• updated index list with blog links
• all links are directly clickable
• tablet friendly pdf
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Today we have some great news regarding our book "Fashion Blogs", it is available worldwide as digital publication!
The spring of 2010 saw the release of ‘Fashion Blogs – From Musings on Personal Taste to Style Reports around the Globe’, created by journalist Kirstin Hanssen and graphic designer Felicia Nitzsche, along with co-writer Elina Tozzi. ‘Fashion Blogs’, the first book to document the rapidly rising phenomenon of fashion blogging, featuring interviews with 34 of the new global tastemakers, was an instant international hit. Selling out everywhere within a matter of months, the book soon became a collector’s item.
Now, the book is available again as a digital release, including all of the original interviews with true icons of fashion blogging. Featured are Garance Doré, Susie Bubble, Diane Pernet, The Cobra Snake, katelovesme, Glamcanyon, Moderniteter and many more! In addition, the carefully curated 600+ URL list, containing only the finest of fashion blogs in seven different categories, was completely revised exclusively for this re-release.
Hope you'll like it!
Best wishes,
Kirstin Hanssen, Felicia Nitzsche & Elina Tozzi